Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't find the answer to your question here, you can contact us

1. What is YourGround?

YourGround was designed by CrowdSpot in collaboration with Monash University’s XYX Lab. It’s a crowd-mapping website that enables women, girls and gender-diverse people to identify and share public recreational spaces that make them feel uneasy, scared, unwelcome or happy, safe and included. With this project, we hope to empower women, girls and gender-diverse people to call out safe and unsafe experiences and geographically identify spaces where they have good experiences and also where they have concerning experiences. The map unearths real stories of women, girls and gender-diverse people and makes them visible to people in positions of power – like those in local and state government – to advocate for change. In our previous projects people visited the website, with thousands dropping a pin on places they loved, avoided, felt safe or unsafe in. Once the data collection is finished, we create reports and present the data to key decision-makers. If your municipality is participating, then your local city council will see your story.

2. What happens once the map has closed

The experiences you shared will be analysed by Monash University’s XYX Lab, CrowdSpot and contribute to a report on the experience of women, girls and gender-diverse people in Victoria. Locally, we’ll share the findings with decision-makers to advocate for positive change in your neighbourhood and city. Globally, we’ll publish the research to bring attention to the common and various challenges women, girls and gender diverse-people face in cities.

3. How will my data be used?

All ‘spots’ and the information submitted with them are anonymous. We won’t be collecting or sharing any identifying data as part of the research. The experiences you share will be analysed by Monash University’s XYX Lab and contribute to a report on the experiences of women, girls and gender-diverse people in Victoria. The data will be used: Locally – we’ll share it with decision-makers to advocate for positive change in your neighbourhood and city; Globally – we’ll publish the research to bring attention to the common and various challenges girls and young women face in cities. After selecting a spot, you can skip questions or stop the survey at any time. Thanks for having your say and helping to make our cities safer women, girls and gender-diverse people!

4. Are you suggesting women should avoid areas with unsafe pins?

Not at all. The responsibility or blame for harassment and abuse always lies with the offender. YourGround is a way of supporting women, girls and gender-diverse people fight back against feeling afraid, unheard or disempowered. We think it’s important that the map is public so the voices of women, girls and gender-diverse people in your community are heard, not just by decision-makers, but by fellow members of your city who haven't been exposed to the same experiences. The map shows that unsafe experiences can happen everywhere, whether inner-city or suburban, rich or poor. We don’t want to see women, girls and gender-diverse people in Victoria avoiding certain areas or changing their behaviour. Instead, we want to see decision-makers and residents tackling the factors that make the city unsafe, uncomfortable and hostile for women, girls and gender-diverse people.

5. I’m under 18, can I still share my spot?

We’d love you to participate. We want to give a voice to the experiences of young people like you through this research. We suggest you read through this information with your parent or guardian and get their okay before you submit a spot.

6. Will my entry be moderated?

We will remove comments that troll or attack people based on gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion or ability. Comments with certain keywords are flagged for moderation and may take some time to appear.

7. I am unable to make online submissions. Is there another way to do this?

Yes, we can help you over the phone. Please email us at with your number and we'll get in touch to help.

8. Where can I get support?

If you have experienced sexual assault or violence and need to talk to someone, please consider the following resources on the Support page.